Ten years ago today I left for my most ambitious trip: eleven countries spanning six continents in five weeks. I blogged my way through that trip and will get the archives posted soon enough. But today I launched a new travel blog with the post The Window. I’m excited to write about travel again!

annie's micro(b)log

Love this! Great idea for a blog and I'm excited to read what you write about travel

Jordon Wadlington

@Annie Thank you! I may spin it off into its own separate thing at some point-- @manton may get more than he bargained for giving us all these blogs!

Manton Reece

@Annie I love travel blogs! It's one of my favorite things to look back on. Also can be convenient to share with family who aren't on social media.

Numeric Citizen

@manton @Annie Now you gave me that little spark that I needed. I was thinking about doing a traveling journal but didn’t really know where… now I know: trips.numericcitizen.me. Coming soon. 👊🏻😃

Jordon Wadlington

@numericcitizen love it! Make sure to tell us when it’s ready!

Numeric Citizen

my previous experience with traveling journal: crafted.numericcitizen.me/italy2022

Jordon Wadlington

@numericcitizen wow— I’d never thought to use Craft like that. That looks incredible! I apologize in advance for how much I’m going to steal from this!

Numeric Citizen

ok, I'm fine with that! In exchange, which subdomain: travels.numericcitizen.me, trips.numericcitizen.me or travel.numericcitizen.me ? 👀🤔

Jordon Wadlington

@numericcitizen my first reaction was that it should be singular, but I don’t know! I kind of like travels! There’s something a bit more whimsical about it!

Numeric Citizen

thanks! I'll think about it.