Ten years ago today I left for my most ambitious trip: eleven countries spanning six continents in five weeks. I blogged my way through that trip and will get the archives posted soon enough. But today I launched a new travel blog with the post The Window. I’m excited to write about travel again!
Love this! Great idea for a blog and I'm excited to read what you write about travel
@Annie I love travel blogs! It's one of my favorite things to look back on. Also can be convenient to share with family who aren't on social media.
my previous experience with traveling journal: crafted.numericcitizen.me/italy2022
@numericcitizen wow— I’d never thought to use Craft like that. That looks incredible! I apologize in advance for how much I’m going to steal from this!
ok, I'm fine with that! In exchange, which subdomain: travels.numericcitizen.me, trips.numericcitizen.me or travel.numericcitizen.me ? 👀🤔
@numericcitizen my first reaction was that it should be singular, but I don’t know! I kind of like travels! There’s something a bit more whimsical about it!