Marques Brownlee on burnout (from the 26 June Stratechery Interview):

So there is a long history of YouTubers filling a niche by being the funny person or the creative sketch artist or insert other topic here, and a vlogger, something like that. They are inherently the topic of the videos, and in order to continue leveling up and continue being informative and entertaining or whatever it is, they have to level up themselves and for me, it’s the tech that’s the subject of the videos. I’m pointing the camera at the thing that has the pressure on it

I’ve been trying to post more–mostly failing at it– and I think this gets as to why: it’s draining to post about yourself! It’s draining to worry about if you’re sharing too much personal information! It’s draining to worry about posting something that others find interesting! It’s draining to think about the line between personal and private!

I should focus more on posting about what interests me and worry less about what interests others. Trying to figure out what others are interested in and posting about it is a good way to either never post or to burn out.