🇺🇸I'm voting for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. Here's why🇺🇸

Donald Trump’s policies have and will harm Americans

  • He appointed the Supreme Court Justices that overturned Roe v. Wade. If elected again, he will not advocate for nor sign laws that protect a woman’s right to choose for all Americans. If given the opportunity, he will appoint additional judges and justices that will continue to erode the rights of women.
  • His vow to leave abortion to the states has caused and will continue to cause the deaths and suffering of women. He has stated that he will vote for a Florida law that will ban abortions after six weeks with no exceptions for rape, incest, or the health of the mother. Six weeks is before many women even realize they are pregnant.
  • He will raise the price of goods for all Americans. He has vowed to implement a tariff that will tax foreign imports. I believe the price of these goods will increase to offset this tariff. While this may encourage people to buy American-made goods, it will increase prices across the board. Especially for items that cannot be made in America (e.g., strawberries during the winter).
  • He will advocate for passing tax cuts that will benefit the rich more than the working and middle classes. While the working and middle class may see more money in their paychecks, it will be minimal and will more than be offset by the inevitable decrease in social services and the negative impact it will have on the economy.
  • In order to fund his tax cuts, he will need to increase the national deficit. This could lead to a return to increased inflation and decrease the amount of money Americans have to spend.
  • In order to fund his tax cuts, he will need to decrease the social safety net. I believe he will greatly cut Medicaid, which will decrease health care assistance to the poor. Despite his saying he won’t touch Social Security or Medicare, I believe that faced with a funding deficit, he will choose to reduce funding for these programs as opposed to raising taxes.
  • Donald Trump has said he will overturn all or portions of the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and does not have a plan as to what will replace it. His running mate has specifically questioned the pre-existing conditions clause of Obamacare, which would eliminate or greatly increase the price of health care coverage for Americans with pre-existing conditions. By eliminating the ACA with no plan, he will remove the price controls on health care, causing a significant increase in cost to small business owners and the independently employed.
  • In service to the appearance of being tough, he will implement an immigration plan that will not work as well as it could and cost more money than it should. He will continue to implement policies that are cruel and inhumane as a deterrence.
  • He will cut legal immigration, which decreases potential tax revenue and hurt American innovation.
  • He will not advocate for nor pursue policies that limit the ownership and use of assault rifles. He will not advocate for nor pursue legislation that will decrease school shootings.
  • He will indiscriminately decrease regulations without regard to whether or not they are needed. In the past he has decreased clean water and pollution protections. He will hinder or even reverse the progress made in battling climate change.

Kamala Harris will implement policies that will benefit Americans

  • She supports a woman’s right to choose and will appoint judges and justices as well as advocate for and pursue legislation that will restore this right to all Americans.
  • She supports reproductive health treatments–like IVF– that will grow and strengthen families.
  • She will implement pro-family policies like an increased child tax credit and expand access to high quality and affordable daycare. She will pursue other proven pro-child policies like universal Pre-K and free school lunch.
  • She will implement fiscally responsible policies and is open to both tax increases and government program cuts in order to pay for these policies. She has stated that she will not raise taxes on the middle and working classes. Increases to taxes would only be for corporations and for those making more than $400,000 per year.
  • She will protect the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and will pursue other methods for decreasing health care costs for Americans like extending the $35 cap on insulin to all Americans.
  • She will ensure the solvency of Social Security and Medicare by increasing taxes on the wealthy.
  • She will work to reduce the cost of living: increasing the federal minimum wage, continuing the Biden administration’s policies for decreasing inflation, and decreasing the ability for bad actor corporations to jack up prices and eliminate competition.
  • She will work to reduce the cost of education recognizing its role as a pathway to the middle class.
  • As a former prosecutor and attorney general, she recognizes the important role that the police play in our communities. She will continue to fund the police and support programs that reduce crime and keep our communities safe.
  • As a gun owner, she recognizes this right of Americans. She will continue to support this right while advocating for common sense gun policies that will reduce gun violence.
  • As a former Senator, she recognizes that in the American system of government, most legislation needs to be bipartisan and it is often stronger because of this.
  • She will ensure that the American military has the resources it needs to be the best in the world.
  • She will support Ukraine with weapons and monetary assistance in its war against Russia. She recognizes the importance of the NATO alliance and will adhere to the treaty.
  • She recognizes the nuances in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. She supports Israel’s ability to defend itself against and respond to terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah, while pressuring Israel to minimize civilian casualties. She also supports a ceasefire that both sides can agree upon.
  • She will implement policies that hinder our foreign adversaries–such as Russia and China–and decrease their impact on the lives of Americans.
  • She acknowledges the climate crisis while understanding the importance of energy independence. She will pursue research in increasing the capacity and decreasing the costs of clean energy while still taking advantage of our nation’s natural resources, nuclear energy capabilities, and fossil fuels to ensure that energy remains abundant and low cost.
  • She supports common sense fixes to our immigration system, including the Senate’s bipartisan immigration bill. She will advocate for legislation that develops an immigration system that actually secures the border, limits the number of illegal crossings, while promoting legal immigration.

I do not believe that Donald Trump is fit to be president

  • At times he appears confused and unaware of what is going on. I believe his age is catching up to him. Even more than in 2016 and 2020, he seems to be losing his grip on reality.
  • He says and implies many things that I believe are racist, sexist, and homophobic.
  • He incites anger and fear to keep Americans scared.
  • He only cares about himself. He killed a recent bipartisan immigration bill because he was afraid it would hurt his chances for reelection.
  • He will lie about anything at any time if he perceives it to be to his benefit.
  • He does not respect the rule of law and will only accept the outcome of an election in which he wins.
  • He praises autocrats and dictators. He speaks positively of our foreign adversaries.
  • He is a convicted felon and faces several more felony charges. He has been credibly accused of sexually assaulting multiple women and and has been found liable in civil court for sexual abuse.
  • He tried to overturn the 2020 election. He incited a violent mob to storm the Capitol during which people died. He pressured state election officials into falsifying election results to show him winning.
  • If he wins, I am not confident there would be a peaceful and constitutional transition of power in 2029.