
Where to Find Me

About Me

Hello! I’m going to actually try and write an ‘About Me’ page! In the past, I relied on too-cool-for-school sayings to show those of you at school that I was too cool to write an ‘About Me’ page. What a weird thing to be too cool for.

But before we get there, let’s pour one out for all the pithy things I’ve said on my ‘About Me’ page over the past 15 years:

Living up to expectations
In over my head

Now that we’ve established my bonafides, here’s a non-exhaustive list of things I’m interested in. I’m going to put exclamation points (!) after each to show you how excited I am about these things and to reverse 15+ years of coolness.

My family! I have one wife and two kids. They take up a lot of time, but they’re mostly worth it

My community! I live on Capitol Hill in Washington DC and try to be involved with my kids' school and my church (with varying levels of success). I also really care about Capitol Hill and Washington DC as a place to live and sometimes care about it as a place that can’t elect a speaker. (More on this below)

Tech! I constantly try to convince people that I’m more interested in tech as a tool for making our lives better and less as shiny new things. But they don’t believe me and they’re typically right.

Politics! I almost didn’t give this one an exclamation point, but I’m a firm believer that if we want things to get better, we need to give exclamation points. My degrees are in politics, but this is now much more a hobby than a profession. I really truly deeply care about policy and how it makes people’s lives better or worse. But the machinations, spectacle, and absurdities of American politics are also fun. (Until they’re not)

Movies/TV/Music! Me from 15 years ago is rolling in his grave that these are this low on the list. But my kids need things like “attention” and get angry when I shoo them out from in front of the TV. Que sera sera

Travel! I went to a lot of fun places when I was younger. I had detailed plans of what I was going to do with my life after I sold my yet-to-be-started travel blog for big bucks. I still travel a lot, but for the foreseeable future it will mostly be to kid-friendly(ish) places.

Baseball! I’m not sure I was ever a huge sports fan, but I’ve always been a huge St. Louis Cardinals fan. And– 2023 season not withstanding– those guys are currently playing baseball. I used to enjoy college basketball, but my fandom fell victim to COVID (RIP, gone too soon, flatten the curve, etc.).

That’s pretty good for now. There’s some other things that take up my time like my job and sleeping, but y’all probably don’t care too much about that.
