If she picks Andy for VP y’all aren’t gonna hear the end of it

Getting lots of messages about the IT outage and I’m responding to all with my current location

A person relaxes on a beach lounge chair under the shade of a palm tree, overlooking a serene tropical ocean with sailing boats in the distance.

To be clear, I don’t mean the “few beers” thing as a hedge. Good people do the right thing no matter how hard it is. He’ll come to the right decision here (which is sad, but obvious)

Since I’ve had a few beers, I can confidently say that Joe Biden is a good man and will do what is right

“Hi, this is my brother Darryl and this is my other brother, Darryl”

Everything I know about comedy I learned from Bob Newhart

Marques Brownlee on burnout (from the 26 June Stratechery Interview):

So there is a long history of YouTubers filling a niche by being the funny person or the creative sketch artist or insert other topic here, and a vlogger, something like that. They are inherently the topic of the videos, and in order to continue leveling up and continue being informative and entertaining or whatever it is, they have to level up themselves and for me, it’s the tech that’s the subject of the videos. I’m pointing the camera at the thing that has the pressure on it

I’ve been trying to post more–mostly failing at it– and I think this gets as to why: it’s draining to post about yourself! It’s draining to worry about if you’re sharing too much personal information! It’s draining to worry about posting something that others find interesting! It’s draining to think about the line between personal and private!

I should focus more on posting about what interests me and worry less about what interests others. Trying to figure out what others are interested in and posting about it is a good way to either never post or to burn out.

As the micro.blog beat reporter for the Apple Watch Siri Face*, I must report that I’ve shifted to using the Modular Ultra watch face and then created a bunch of shortcuts that rotate the center complication at certain points of the day. It’s worked…fairly well!

*totally a real thing

I installed all the Apple dev betas (except for Mac) and all seem in very good shape. The new widget stack suggestions on the Apple Watch are much more like the old Siri Watch Face–which y’all I know I love.

Apple just give me a widget stack watch face you cowards!

“My priest is pregnant!” is now a thing I get to say

Not as good of an outcome for tonight’s game. Taking tomorrow off before going back for the finale on Monday
Jude with a Cardinals cap turned backwards looking towards home plate Jude looking towards home plate

Great game tonight at Nats stadium! Celebrating the Cards win with some new friends!
Five Cardinals fans celebrating a win!

Wide shot of Nationals Park

Paul Goldschmidt at bat (striking out)

Nats park behind home plate

I had a post scheduled to go for later this afternoon, but the Verge beat me to it this morning:

I renewed my US passport in a single week with the government’s speedy online beta

Mine is scheduled for delivery today–8 days after I submitted the application.

For those who are eligible to renew, a limited number of slots open up every day at 1pm Eastern.

Current Things: July 2024

Currently Reading

Currently reading: How to Be Perfect by Michael Schur 📚

Currently Watching

Currently In Queue

Currently Listening

Currently Planning


  • I’m not entirely sure where this month went!
  • A few highlights from what I wrote this month:
    • I migrated away from HEY email and back to iCloud, which produced some feelings since I signed up while in the hospital having my second kid
    • No surprise, but Ben Thompson had a good take on how tech companies are tempting regulation with their sleazy practices
    • None of my WWDC wants came true
    • Juneteenth is an essential American holiday and I’m glad we’re finally recognizing it as such

Finished in June:

Slow Horses, Season 2: I very much like the added complexity of this season, but it felt like it was at the expense of everything snapping together as cleanly as season 1.

Godzilla Minus One: We’re not tied to the past, we can choose to be better

Inside Out 2: Doesn’t really break any new ground, but it’s so helpful to be able to name and visually see these emotions and how ourselves interact with them that I feel like the concept could run forever

The Fall Guy: when they make movies I like to imagine they have a dial: turn left to ease back the weirdness, turn right to crank it up.

One of my favorite genre of movies is fairly straightforward action/romance with the weirdness dial cranked to about 8.

Anyway, everyone go see The Fall Guy!

Hit Man: this is the kind of large, crowd-pleasing movie that– 15 years ago– would have topped the box office eight weeks in a row. So well directed, well written, well acted, and fun that it feels like it’s from a different era. I wish I had watched this in a theater instead of Netflix

Slow Horses, Season 1: Started slow, but picked up towards the end of the second episode. First show in a while that was the exact amount of episodes it should be.

Previously, in Current Things…

June 2024
May 2024
April 2024
March 2024
February 2024
January 2024
December 2023
November 2023
October 2023
September 2023
August 2023
July 2023
June 2023
May 2023
April 2023
March 2023
February 2023
January 2023
December 2022
November 2022

Slow Horses, Season 2: I very much like the added complexity of this season, but it felt like it was at the expense of everything snapping together as cleanly as season 1.

Godzilla Minus One: We’re not tied to the past, we can choose to be better

Godzilla Minus One, 2023

We're not tied to the past, we can choose to be better

Hi friends! Lots of news today after lots of news last night. Just a reminder that it’s OK to feel scared, disappointed, and/or angry. Don’t let those feelings paralyze you. Things are at a low point now, but they only have to stay there if we let them stay there. We can get through this together.

Commercial break so everyone can get their golf handicaps straight

Y’all, I heard Biden can’t hit a ball 50 yards

Biden’s best hope here is that this reminds people who Trump is

Nothing here is changing any priors and that’s bad for Biden

Going to need to update my posting script now that micro.blog can cross post to threads

(Yes, this is a test post)

Currently reading: How to Be Perfect by Michael Schur 📚

Inside Out 2, 2024

Doesn't really break any new ground, but it's so helpful to be able to name and visually see these emotions and how ourselves interact with them that I feel like the concept could run forever