A New Travel Page

I’ve got a new Travel page that I soft launched with February’s ‘Current Things’ and formally launched earlier today with the blog post, ‘The Window’. I want to take a few seconds to talk logistics.

(y’all didn’t believe me when I said I was going to mostly blog about logistics)

Here’s a break down of the new Travel page:

At the top is my Flighty passport. The excellent–but very expensive– Flighty app has a feature that produces an image of all of the flights it’s tracked. This is a log of most (and maybe all!) of my flights since 2010. It makes me happy to look at this and remember the trips I’ve taken. It also reminds me that two places I’ve only visited once– Russia and China– are very big. I will update this image on a completely irregular basis.

An image of my Flighty passport showing all the flights I've taken since 2010

The next section is the trips that I’ve got scheduled for this calendar year. Micro.blog does a good job of allowing me to easily create a category for every trip and then link to that category to show a running log of everything I’ve blogged about a specific trip. Sometimes I’ll write a lot about a trip. Sometimes I won’t. Have to keep y’all guessing.

A screenshot of the 'current year' section, showing the trips I have planned for 2024

The next section– Future Trips– is a rough sketch of my travel plans past this year. I probably won’t take some of these trips, but it’s fun to think about the places I want to go! I also find putting even a rough date to some of these trips helps me decide whether or not to move on to actually starting to plan them.

A screenshot of the 'Future Trips' section, showing the trips I have planned for 2025 and beyond

The final section– Past Trips– is a list of the trips I’ve taken organized by year. As a trip is completed, it’ll move from the current year section down to here.

A screenshot of the 'Past Trips' section, showing trips from 2024 and 2023.

A few other notes:

  • As I mentioned above, I’ve also added a travel planning section to my Current Things page. This will be a list of the trips I’ve got planned for the current year.
  • I plan to write travel-year-in-review-type posts. I’m going to do my best to do that for 2023 at some point, but I probably won’t go any further back than that.
  • I also would like to blog more about travel in general (the industry, my philosophy, interesting links, etc.). I’ve started a Travel category to collect these thoughts in once place, but I want to do a bit more thinking about how I want to present these before I widely publicize it.

As I mentioned in the blog post, this is going to be more of a window rather than an all-encompassing travel log. I tried to do a lot of blogging while on my recent trip to Quebec Charlevoix, but found it difficult due to the nature of the trip (going 40 MPH down a hill is not conducive to writing) and due to some limitations of micro.blog (there’s a video upload limit that’s unclear to me–though I’m sure Manton would tell me if I asked!). There’s still a few processes that I need to hammer out around how to post photos/videos and what I find useful to capture during a trip as opposed to after. But real artists ship so I’ll figure some of these things out as I go.